The Stylish Jewelry from Germany: Thomas Sabo



The United States presidential election of 2016 just finished. Before the new President was announced, everyone paid close attention to everything about the candidates. Any small event or thing may change the final result and no one can expect who is winner easily. The similar situation is that it's never easy  to say which style is better than another because there is not obvious gap always. For example, if both two gentlemen wear same well-fitted suits with excellent color-matching and wonderful layers, the final check point for style is to see the accessories and jewelries they wear. Who can take care in detail more, who can make his outlook more prefect. 


  所以,除了外婆的愛心佛珠以外,戒指也好,手環也罷,少有讓我一戴就愛上的玩意兒...而近幾年,在臺灣火紅到不行的 PANDORA ,幾乎在每個人的社群網站都洗過一輪,身為一個愛美男性,也不免被洗到燒起找飾品的興致,就那麼湊巧,很意外地讓我接觸到這麼樣的一個品牌: Thomas Sabo 。

Since childhood, I'm picky to wearing jewelries on my hands. The reason is that it's difficult to stop wearing them if I really like them. Once, I had lost one ring, and the I almost turn everything over in my house for finding it out. Since then, I can't see any similar and satisfied one. 

Therefore, except for the beaded bracelet given from my grandma, there were very few jewelries I wore. However, in recently years, PANDORA becomes very popular in Taiwan and a lot of people showed their PANDORA jewelries on Facebook, Instagram and blogs. Because of this trend, I interest in wearing jewelries again. And fortunately,  in the meantime, I have this chance to know the brand: Thomas Sabo.

  Thomas Sabo ,一個來自於德國的品牌,一個你看到產地,即可知道是品質保證的一個國度...不錯!由於德國人那嚴謹的日耳曼民族精神,在現今一線精品都不得不向生產成本低頭,紛紛轉移至工資較為低廉的國家設廠之時, Thomas Sabo 依舊堅持設廠於德國境內,從生產到品管都嚴格把關,光是這點,心理上就大大地滿足了紳士對細節的苛求。

Thomas Sabo comes from Germany and everyone knows the items from this country always mean high quality. When many luxury brands select to move their production from Europe to other areas to decrease the cost, Thomas Sabo still hold theirs in Germany and adapts the highest standard to check the quality of every product. This insistence makes gentlemen who always asking all details perfect feel comfortable. 

  如果你跟我一樣,對於玩機械錶還沒有很大的興致,只是將手錶當作飾品搭配著用,那像這樣搭載 MIYOTA 機芯的三眼計時錶,搭配玫瑰金佐銀的雙色米蘭帶,就很對我偶爾想騷包的心。

If you are not a real mechanical watch collector but believe that a watch is an important accessory for gentleman, selecting a three eyes chronograph watch, which has MIYOTA movement inside and bicolor (rose gold & silver) strap, is an excellent style to draw attention.

  藍色珠子以仿造青金石打磨而成,雖說 Thomas Sabo 大部分用料取自天然礦石,但由於近年青金石產量稀少,價格飆升,其中這種帶有燦爛星點狀黃鐵礦,人稱「無白少金」的等級,更是少之又少,所以以人造仿製代替,每顆藍珠子呈現出不同的色澤與斑紋,相映以純銀鍍上18K金的骷髏,醒目吸睛又不顯得庸俗,反應在合情合理的價格上,性價比相當美麗。

Royal blue stones are simulated lapis lazuli. Although most material of Thomas Sabo items are natural, the stones of this bracelet are artificial actually. The reason is that recently lapis lazuli becomes rare and expensive, especially, the pyrite with pale brass-yellow hue is rarer and more expensive, of course. To provide affordable price to customers, Thomas Sabo designs simulated lapis lazuli for this bracelet. These artificial stones are made to show different colors and patterns, and be matched with 18K gold skull. The final result we see is charming but not tacky.


The black stones of black bracelet are obsidian. After special coating process, the color of these stones become matted black, which gives steady feeling and fashion look. The silver ones are 925 sterling silver with blackened. For the skull, the material is zirconia and the shape is made by claw setting to provide not only special outlook but also high reliability. When I received this bracelet, I was surprised in its high quality as well as respecting German spirit for providing this kind of exquisite item.

  順道一提:Thomas Sabo 連將珠飾串起的彈力繩都不馬虎,過去我試戴過很多手環,都沒有如此堅韌紮實的手感。

Besides, the quality of the elasticity cord to connect beads is also solid, and I never have same good experience before.

  「科學與藝術屬於整個世界,在它們面前,民族的障礙都消失了。」— 歌德

  在鑑賞完如此精湛工藝的展現,唯有穿上我衣櫥裡那套剪裁最適宜的力上西服神裝,方能與 Thomas Sabo 手環相輝映。

"Science and art belong to the whole world, and  before them vanish the barriers of  nationality." – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

After reviewing so wonderful stylish items, the only way to match them for me is to wear my bespoke suit tailored by Lih-Shang Tailor. 

  大劍領成套三件式,最無聊但你又無法否認她真的美翻的寶藍,佐以威爾斯王子格,舒適絕佳的平衡剪裁,細膩的手工製作,力上西服老梁一種執著近乎瘋狂的職人精神,是我在配戴上同樣偏執的 Thomas Sabo 手環時,最輕易被喚起的連結。

This peak lapel three-piece suit is made with the most common but fascinating royal blue, classic Prince of Wales check, well-fitted cut and, of course, tailor-made. The goal of Lih-Shang Tailor is to make perfect suits for everyone, and this is the strong connection to Thomas Sabo which keeps providing perfect jewelries as well.

  在 Thomas Sabo 與力上西服,我發現藝術與美的領域、製品堅持的細膩沒有國界!

What I learn is that there is no gap in offering high quality and perfect items between Thomas Sabo from Germany and Lih-Shang Tailor from Taiwan.


The man wearing perfect bespoke suits is walking on the boulevard in the afternoon, and his every move is exploring the finest craft in Fall.

  西服:力上西服Lih-Shang Tailor
  攝影:喬飛攝影 - 蔡宗澔

Mr. OH 著用款

Mr. OH 著用款

Mr. OH 著用款

2 則留言:

  1. 開頭的引文有根據國情反映時事而不同,是一篇用心的文章!

